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Saturday, April 11, 2015

I have learned.............

I can’t believe another year is in the books. Time really does pass so quickly. I do not know why my birthday brings me to a year of reflection. This year it brought me to a lifetime of reflection. It’s funny but my inside self does not have an age. As a matter of fact she hasn’t aged at all. My inside self is just in constant growth.  For me, life makes way more sense in my thirties. Maybe I’m a late bloomer… But, I feel like my thirties are much more enjoyable. I’m not fighting fear, I don’t really care about the opinions of others.. Failure does not scare me. I know and understand my boundaries. Most importantly.. I  know my worth, and I value myself… Anyway, I thought I would share everything that I know as of today.

1.       Life is a beautiful gift.

2.       Almost anything will work, again. You have to unplug, even for a few minutes… This includes you.

3.       I do not believe that anything outside of you can fix you. Not sex, one night stands, alcohol or drugs.  You cannot date or buy this either. It sounds horrible, but this is the truth. Everything you need to heal you is already inside you.

4.       Everyone is messed up, insecure, scared and hopeless. Yes, even the people who look like they have it all together. Even those people are more like you than you may think. You can’t compare your insides to someone else’s outsides. Sadly, you can’t fix them, save them, give them a better life or help them get sober either. I have learned that the best thing you can do is learn to love yourself. Happiness radiates into the universe like a breath of fresh air…

5.       Families; hard, so frigging hard. No matter how much you may wish yours to be different, cherish or want it to change. It is what it is. I remember when I use to be embarrassed of my family. We didn’t have a lot, mom was sick, nobody really got along. After losing mom, I realize that it’s a miracle they are even alive. Even if they are annoying. I believe Earth is our school for learning. Forgiveness being one of the hardest lessons to understand. So, start with your own family. Learn to forgive. It really does wonders for your soul.

6.       Writing, do it often. It is therapy for your soul. It’s one place you are safe. Some of my deepest pains have been discovered through pen and paper. My last goodbye to my mother was written after her death. And then burned after reading it to her in heaven.. Your story is your gift to the world. Own everything about you and write about your discovery. It’s really a fascinating adventure.

7.       Grace. It took me a long time to understand what the hell this meant. One of my mentors told me to walk through uncomfortable events with grace and dignity. That was not easy for me to do at first. However, I learned. Mostly through praying.  I learned that God loves Oprah just as much as he loves me, my fiancĂ© and my son. Crazy right? Grace in your soul is what saves you, what heals you. Grace has changed me. It will change you too.

8.       God. It was such a strange uncomfortable topic for me. I wanted to know him, love him and trust in him. However, I had no idea what God was. I found him one night alone... very lonely.  With my great grandmothers rosary in my hand. I have never felt alone since. It took me a lot of uncomfortable moments to find my way to him. Now, I continue to practice my appreciation for him. For my life! I LOVE him. You should too!

9.       Faith. If you do not have faith you do not have anything. Do whatever you need to do. Your life, your soul your entire being is fueled from faith. Once you understand this and walk in it, life will start to bless you with miracles. My life is FULL of miracles.

10.   Exercise. If you want to live a good life you have to exercise.. Nearly everyday. I promise there is no way around this. There is no pill, no supplement, no magical ANYTHING that can give this to you. Ask any doctor!

11.   Second chances. We all get chances. Second, third fourth. It’s up to us to be open to these opportunities to change our life. Our willingness to do something different. Fear paralyzes, some people forever. As I stated first. Life is a gift. Wake up each day refreshed, excited, full of love, faith centered and God driven to be the very best version of you! The world needs this, badly!

12.   Forgiveness. F’ing LAME! That is what I use to think of forgiveness. My mentor told me to pray for the people who have hurt me. I honestly thought she had lost her damn mind. For the longest time I REFUSED to pray for my enemies.. Until, I had realized that I wanted a life differently inside then the one I was living. The only way I could release some of my negative feelings was to do this. It was super awkward and definitely not sincere at first. However,  I am good at this now.. Because I have practiced. Just like anything else you put effort into.. You will become good at it.. Sometimes even GREAT!

13.   Boundaries. They are so damn hard to understand at first. As a matter of fact, I had to read and learn through my mentors what “boundaries” even meant.  And, when I started applying them in my life, they totally pissed people off. Eventually, those people went away forever.. And believe me, that is a good thing. Because it created space for those who would honor, respect and love me. If you want a life that feels good, you must do what is good for you. No explanations, no guilt, no strings attached! DO IT!

14.   Love. You cannot fight it. You need it. Your life is empty without it. Self love is number one. If you do not have this, you cannot truly give love to another. Not a partner, child or friend. Love yourself first, meet your needs and do what you need to feel whole on the inside. NOTHING else matters, or will work if you do not have self love. I promise!

15.   It’s going to be ok. No matter what you are facing right now. No matter how hopeless you may feel. No matter how bad it seems. Everything will be ok. God, Faith, Family and Love.  That’s all you need.  If you do not have this, start working on getting it. The journey will  be tough at first. But, it will not be any tougher than where you are at right now. If you want to change you have to put in the work. Self work. Self love. Yes, everything will be ok when you have this!
16.   Death. It’s f’ing heartbreaking. Literally! The people that you want around forever die first. The pain never goes away. EVER! I’ve learned that you are not supposed to get over them. They will always live within you. In your memories and in your heart. Moms been gone for some time now. She still shows up every day, multiple times. Once she even came on her birthday in the form of a butterfly. I swear! However, her absence still makes me breathless, at times lost and almost always home sick. Grief, tears and friends heal you. I once heard that tears will bathe baptize and hydrate you. I believe this now that I have lived it. I know for certain that we are all just passing through here. So, hold onto the ones you love. Tightly…  because these moments do not last forever. It’s hard to understand, but I know this for certain.

Love to you all,